Create a quick Stockist/Store Locator with Google map, Autocomplete search location & Distance & Category filter,
also with multiple/custom layout and multiple/custom map style.
Shortcode: [mipl_stockist_store_locator]
* Stockist/Store Locator with Current Location, Distance & Categories Filter.
* Add multiple Stores with (Address, Contact Details, Opening Hours, Store Image, Categories, Social Media Link).
* Manage Distance Unit & Distances.
* Multiple & Custom Stockist Layout.
* Multiple & Custom Google Map Style.
* Multiple & Custom Google Map Pin Markers.
* Custom Labels/Text.
1. Upload plugins folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory.
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
3. Create Stores in Stockist > Stores section.
4. Update the settings for layout and style.
5. Setup the Google Map API Key.
6. Add shortcode to page [mipl_stockist_store_locator]